
Assoc. Prof. Dr Eleni THEODORAKI

Assoc. Prof. Dr Eleni THEODORAKI
Full Name
Assoc. Prof. Dr Eleni THEODORAKI
Date of birth
The Business School, Edinburgh Napier University, Great Britain
Assoc. Prof. Dr Eleni THEODORAKI

Eleni is professor of sport management in UCD'sSchool of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Sports Science. During her eliterowing career she was under 18 national champion. Between 1986-1990 she pursuedundergraduate studies in Physical Education, Sport Sciences and SportManagement in her native Greece and in 1996 she competed her PhD atLoughborough University, UK, under the supervision of professor Ian Henry andfunded by a Greek state scholarship. Her subsequent academic work careerincludes lectureships at De Montfort University 1995-1996, LoughboroughUniversity 1996-2008 and an associate professorship at Edinburgh Napier University 2008-2020. Eleni supervised and co-supervised nine PhD students tocompletion and conducted externally research to the value of £225,540 asprincipal investigator. Between 2010-2013 Eleni served as commissioner in theCommission for a Sustainable London 2012 where she was appointed by the thenMayor, Boris Johnson. Between 2013-2017 and 2018-today she acted as academicexpert to UNESCO and the European Commission respectively. She speaks nativeGreek, fluent English, has limited working proficiency in Italian and Germanand elementary level French, Spanish and Chinese (Mandarin). Eleni has heldvisiting professorships/lectureships at: LUMSA University’s Masters programmein Event Management, Rome, Italy, 2009-2016. Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1Masters' Programme: Management des Organisations Sportives, Lyon, France,2005-2009. Post Graduate Seminar of the International Olympic Academy, Olympia,Greece, 1999-2008. MEMOS MSc. Programme, the International Olympic Committee,2001-2002. Programme in European Leisure Studies MA programme taught betweenUniversities of Tilburg, Loughborough, Brussels and Bilbao, 1996-2000.

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