Dr. Gelly Aroni is Head of the Unit for Integration in the Special Secretariat for the Protection of Unaccompanied Minors in the Ministry of Migration and Asylum. Until 2020 she was the Head of the Independent Department for the Coordination and Monitoring of the Refugee Education of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs in Greece. She has extensive experience as a Physical Education teacher in Intercultural Schools where she used cooperative games to promote, through active participation and collaborative learning, the principles, content and values of Democracy education. She has worked as an expert and a trainer in Council of Europe and European Wergeland Center programmes (Pestalozzi seminars and modules, Summer Academies in Greece) on Human Rights Education and Education for Democratic Citizenship. She has facilitated workshops for Arigatou International on Intercultural and Interfaith Programmes for Ethics Education in Europe, Asia and Africa. She has authored and translated texts in the areas of her expertise.