Emilio Fernández Peña is Communication Professor at the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB) and head of its Olympic Studies Centre since December 2009.
He is the founder director of the Sport Research Institute UAB which joins 40 senior researchers from 12 different departments. This Institute analyses sport with a strong multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach.
Emilio is doctor in Communication by the Basque Country University with Outstanding Award (2001).
He is the creator and teacher of the Massive Online Course (MOOC) The Olympic Games and the Media which was launched in 2014 on Coursera and it has had more than 8,000 enrolled students since its creation.
Dr. Fernández Peña has been the promoter and main designer of the new degree on Interactive Communication in the UAB, which is oriented to train the students with a holistic vision of technology, allocated in the intersection between engineering, communication, and liberal arts.