Ingomar Weiler graduated from the teacher training college in Salzburg. He completed his subsequent teacher training course in history and physicaleducation in Graz in 1962 with a dissertation under Erich Swoboda on Pannonia in Diocletian times. After that, Weiler worked as an assistant at the Institute for Ancient History at the University of Innsbruck . Aone-year research stay at the Center for Hellenic Studies at Harvard University followedin 1969 . In 1972 he habilitated in Innsbruck on the subject of The Agon in Myth. On the attitude of the Greeks to competition. In 1976 he was appointed full professor at the Karl-FranzensUniversity in Graz , where he held the chair at the Institutefor Ancient History and Archeology until his retirement in March 2002. In 1981 he turned down an interim call to the University of Innsbruck tosucceed Franz Hampl .In 2007he received an honorary doctorate from the Universityof Mainz .
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