Full Name
Date of birth
University of Thessaly, Greece

Sport Sociology
Yannis Theodorakis is a vice rector(2018-2022 and 2008-2012) and professor of Sport Psychology in the Departmentof Physical Education and Sport Science at the University of Thessaly, Greece.He has served as a member of the Managing Council of European Society of SportPsychology (1999-2003), head of his Department (2000-2004 & 2006-8),president of the Greek Society of Sport Psychology (2004-2006), member of the EditorialBoard of “Psychology of Sport and Exercise” (1999-2013), president of theHellenic Academy of Physical Education (2008-2012) and the editor of the openaccess journal “Inquiries in Sports and Physical Education” (2003-2018). He hasa Bed in physical education and sport science and PhD in sport and exercisepsychology. He has published 30 books and chapters, and more than 190 articlesin Greek and international journals, in the areas of sport and exercisepsychology, health psychology, health education, goals setting, self-talk, andattitude and behavior relationships. He has been involved in projects related to physical activitypromotion, health education, exercise and smoking, exercise program in patientwith dementia by using virtual reality, reintegration through sport, andequality in the society through sports.
For more info: http://www.pe.uth.gr/index.php/en/component/tlpteam/team/theodorakis-eng?Itemid=195