CIED - O4H Georgetown University Olympism in Action Certificate Program
Dates of the Session
Main Topic
Academic Diplomacy in Action
In response to the current state of global affairs, Olympism for Humanity (O4H), the Center for Intercultural Education and Development (CEID) at Georgetown University (GU) and the International Olympic Academy expand their long standing academic collaboration and join forces to establish a new Professional Development Certificate program. The CIED-O4H Georgetown University Certificate Program serves as a world-wide academic diplomacy platform for embracing Sport and Olympism as a peacebuilding platform and an enabler for the UN SDGs, children’s rights and responsibilities, equity and integrity, community regeneration and resilience. Our program intersects Olympic Heritage, Peacebuilding, Democracy Actualization and Sport for Development Theory and Praxis, also known as Olympism in Action (IOC, 2013, 2018; Lyras, 2003, 2007, 2013, 2020, 2021; Mandigo et al., 2016, 2018; Moghaddam, 2009, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2021).
Next Generation of Peace & Democracy Champions of Change
Through our hybrid online and field-based training methodology, participants across continents will develop a personal portfolio with guidelines on how to design and deliver data driven “social innovation ventures” to champion collective and systemic change across agencies, in their respective communities. Inspired and guided by the richness of the Olympic World Heritage, the CIED-O4H Georgetown University Certificate Program is built on a synthesis, applied scholarship and collective work of award-winning initiatives implemented since 1993, ranging from data driven youth programs in regions of conflict, to multinational student engagement initiatives in close collaboration with the International Olympic Academy, the Muhamad Ali Institute of Peace and Justice, schools, universities and orphanages across continents. Focusing on action (“Praxis”), these initiatives have been very successful for 30 years. Our work is built on field-based learning in multiple universities, high schools, NGOs and youth agencies across continents targeting homeless and underserved youth in the US and in India; capacity building in Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Guatemala, Colombia, Botswana, Trinidad and Tobago, peacebuilding and at-risk youth in Cyprus and South Africa, Youth Programs and Olympism for Humanity and Sport for Development professional training in Delphi, Athens, Thessaloniki and Ancient Olympia; and disaster recovery in tsunami-affected areas in Japan as part of the Tokyo 2020 Games Academic legacy endeavors.
What are the Program Objectives?
Mastering Champions of Change & Olympism in Action Skills & Competencies
Certificate Program participants will gain in-depth understanding and master practical skills and competencies to champion the establishment, delivery and assessment of impactful and sustainable Olympism in Action events programs and curricula. Driven by the essence of the Olympic Heritage and ideals– this program aims to prepare the next generation of Olympic Education and Olympism in Action scholars, diplomats, educators, artists, actors, journalists, ESG-CSR officers, community leaders and practitioners who are trained and serve humanity as Peace and Democracy Champions of Change across fragile regions and communities in need. Actualizing, in other words, the Olympic idea and ideals- through scientific, theoretically informed, data driven Actions.
What Will Participants Gain?
Takeaway, Impact, Outcomes & Prospects
The CIED-O4H Georgetown University Certificate is centered on the use of Olympic idea, Humanity Values and ideals as a peacebuilding vehicle for embracing Human Development and Democracy Actualization programming. The program blends global citizenship and peace education with community-based learning, civic engagement, ethics and integrity. By the end of this training, participants will have created a solid replicable Action Plan and Toolkit on how they can deliver an impactful Olympism-based Sport For Development programs in their context. Olympism for Humanity and Sport for Development Theories - as well as real life examples from the Doves Olympic Movement Project and Youth programs in regions with long history of conflict will be used as a template for Champions of Change Youth Camps and community - based programming in various contexts- tailored to the unique needs and the assets of each community. This will be achieved by mastering Sport for Development and Olympism in Action Literacy (knowledge, attitudes, skills and competencies), the integration of Physical Literacy, Educational and Cultural Enrichment, Impact Assessment and Change Management (Lyras, 2003, 2007, 2017, 2020, 2021). CIED-O4H GU Certificate participants will:
• Internalize virtues of humanity, freedom and democracy- and build a robust profile and skillset for high-competitive academic excellence and scholarship
• Enrich their resume for further academic and professional advancements
• Be part of a worldwide Academic Diplomacy network of likeminded peers committed to Championing Change across fragile regions and communities
• Gain proficiency and practical skills and competencies on the role of Olympism and Sport as an important enabler of the Sustainable Development Goals
• Gain proficiency and in-depth understanding how to manage and coordinate the establishment and delivery of impactful Olympism in Action programs
• Build a toolkit and a rich Olympism in Society portfolio of replicable intercultural education activities, teaching and fundraising material, Monitoring and Evaluation tools and community-driven curricula
• Become proficient in O4H Literacy and gain the essential knowledge, skills and competencies to meet the challenges of the 21st Century
Who Can Attend the Program?
Champions of Change from Academia, Educational Systems & Across Agencies
This CIED-O4H GU Certificate embraces systemic change tailored to local needs and across educational systems, agencies and contexts. The universal design methodology provides the opportunity for multiple stakeholders across disciplines and domains to work together towards achieving humanity in action shared goals and objectives. The First target group aims the infusion of Olympism-based curricula in Primary and Secondary educational and Sport systems, the second, for Academic teaching, research and community outreach in Tertiary Educational Systems and the third, working professionals across agencies.
Target Group 1: Youth in Action - Under 20 League
Recruitment Target Group 1: U20 Champions of Change from Secondary Educational Systems & Civil Society
Target Group 2: Academics & Educators - Academic League
Recruitment Target Group 2: Academic Champions of Change, Faculty and Educators, Graduate Students and Researchers across disciplines. (e.g. International Affairs, Education, Conflict Resolution & Development Studies, Performing Arts, Cultural Studies, Community Health, Sport & Physical Education)
Target Group 3: Working Professionals - Open League
Recruitment Target 3: Foreign Affairs Policy-makers and Practitioners, Athletes, Coaches, Administrators, Journalists and Media professionals, ESG-CSR Officers and Practitioners; Social Workers and Community Agents; Officers and Practitioners from National & International Federations, Olympic Committees & Academies, Sport, Cultural & Humanitarian Institutions
When, Where & For How Long?
Olympic Literacy - A B C D E F – Certificate Options
Participants can attend a 30-hour hybrid in-country, one to one mentoring, in-person and online training and 20-hours mentored field experience, which is spread out over a period of 3 months, and/or combine onsite residential training in Japan (Tokyo, Hiroshima, Nagasaki), Greece (Athens, Ancient Olympia, Delphi, Nemea, Epidauros, Olympus Mountain and Dion), Cyprus, Washington D.C. and Paris. Participants can select one or multiple options as each training session advance different Champions of Change skills and competencies. The intensive weeklong residential training sessions in Greece, Cyprus, Japan, Washington DC and Paris entail 30 hours training, blended field trips, workshops, world Olympic history and cultural enrichment tailored to the unique culture and history of each destination. Applications for USA, Japan, Cyprus & France will open in August 2023. Below you can find more information about the structure and the content of these options:
Option A+: O4H Academy in Greece (3-9 July, 2023)
Olympic Heritage, Humanism, genesis the Olympic idea and ideals, political philosophy, epistemology, design thinking, humanism and democracy. The first A+ Cycle of training will take place in Athens and Ancient Olympia at the premises of the International Olympic Academy on 3-9 July, 2023.
Option A: Olympism for Humanity Champions of Change Foundations (Ongoing)
A 3 - months long one to one and country-wide training and capacity building program. This CIED-O4H Georgetown University professional training program entails 30 hours training, one to one mentoring, workshops, lectures and 20 hours field experience to master the delivery of purpose-driven Olympism in Action programs and initiatives.
- Click here to Submit your Application
- Click here for more information about the CIED-O4H Georgetown University Program
- Click here for more information about Georgetown University
CIED-O4H Georgetown University Certificate Program Expenses
Certificate Program Fees
1) Certificate Program Fees for Hybrid and Residential Training in Greece: 1,500 USD
Residential Expenses
2) O4H Academy Greece 3-9 July, 2023: Accommodation, food, Site Visits, Transportation Athens-Olympia, Opening & Closing Ceremony: (a) Athens- Olympia (700 USD Double Rooms) or (b) Athens-Olympia (550 USD Triple Rooms) at the Premises of the International Olympic Academy
Olympism for Humanity Fellowship and Scholarship Opportunities
Champions of Change with outstanding potential can apply for partial or full Scholarships (U20 Youth League Candidates) and Fellowship (Open and Academic League Candidates). This will be made possible due to the generous and invaluable support from our Institutional Partners: International Olympic Academy and Olympism for Humanity Alliance; our Golden Wreath Partners Ecommbx; our Strategic Partners Costas Papaellinas Organization Limited (CPO) and Charalambides Christies ; and the Olympism for Humanity Supporters Altius Boutique hotel and Nicosia Municipality
Participant Information
Registration Cost
- Continue to PaymentParticipation Fee Only
Room Covered by Olympic Solidarity - Continue to PaymentParticipation Fee + Shared Room View
- Continue to PaymentParticipation Fee + Single Room View