Articles & Publications

Launching of the CEOs and Directors Leadership Programme in Saudi Arabia

Press Office
January 22, 2024

Launching of the CEOs and Directors Leadership Programme in Saudi Arabia

In the heart of Saudi Arabia's dynamic sports landscape, in the capital city of Riyadh, an educational programme, organized by the Saudi Olympic Academy and the International Olympic Academy, has been put forward in order to redefine the essence of leadership within the corridors of the Saudi Olympic Committee and National Federations.


The CEOs and Directors Olympic Leadership Programme, which commenced on 14th January and will end on 25th April, aims at the elevation of the executive expertise of Saudi sport leaders, guiding them towards unparalleled excellence in sports leadership.  

This initiative aims to create a legacy where visionary CEOs and Directors not only guide their organizations to triumph, but also inspire a nation to embrace the transformative power of sports in the Saudi society, especially in the coming years, where Saudi Arabia will be the point of reference in the organization of mega events.  

Six modules consisted of lectures and seminars in the areas of strategic management and governance, sport marketing, sustainability, operational planning of mega sport events, leadership management, digital transformation and sports technology, structure a contemporary leadership educational programme inspired and enhanced by the Olympic Values and Ideas, an area where the International Olympic Academy excels around the world.

During the first module, esteemed lecturers, among which Ivo Ferriani, IOC Member and Presidentof Sport Accord, Ian Henry, Prof. Emeritus at Loughborough University, a worldknown academic in the areas of sport, exercise and health sciences, and Dr. Donald Rukare, President of the Uganda NOC made a profound contribution, offering expertise and knowledge on critical issues, such as governance of Olympic and international sports organizations, strategic management tools and evaluation processes in Olympic sport organizations.

The Director of the International Olympic Academy, Dr Makis Asimakopoulos, in his address speech, highlighted the great significance of the collaboration between the IOA and the Saudi Olympic Academy and stressed the NOAs contribution to worldwide education: “The IOA and the NOAs have the vision of highlighting the role of education in building a better world.

In a fast pacing turbulent world, education is not only important for shaping the younger generations, but also it is very important for constantly upgrading ourselves, the leaders of local sport communities to go ahead and successfully deliver our mandates. The National Olympic Academies should be the cornerstone of disseminating the Olympic and sport knowledge in local sport communities, having in their heart the Olympic Values and Ideals. The Saudi Olympic Academy is a bright example of an active and visionary National Olympic Academy”.

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Articles & Publications

Press Office
January 22, 2024

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Articles & Publications

Press Office
January 22, 2024

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