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Supporting Olympians in Their Lifelong Journey
Supporting Olympians in Their Lifelong Journey
Learning objectives
1. Understand the journey of an athlete.
2. Learn about athlete representation across the Olympicmovement and why its important for athletes to have a voice in decision making.
3. Know what support is available for Athletes’Commissions
4. The Athletes Rights and Responsibilities Declaration –how stakeholders should adopt and implement it.
5. Discover the support programmes available to athletesat various stages of their journey.
Athlete journey
Before the lecture, please set aside time to thinkabout the journey an athlete may go through in their career from youth to eliteand then to retirement. What might they need and what in your experience dothey currently receive?

From the moment athletes set their sights onthe Olympic stage to their transition into life beyond competitive sports, the support they receive plays a crucial role in shaping their journey. Let's embark on this exploration together, reflecting on the challenges, opportunities,and strategies for sustaining and nurturing Olympians throughout their lifelongpursuits.
- Thesignificance of the Olympic Games in athletes' lives: What does it mean tocompete on the world's biggest stage?
- Thepursuit of excellence: How do Olympians embody the values of determination,resilience, and sportsmanship?
-Challenges in transitioning from elite sports: What are the psychological,social, and logistical hurdles athletes face post-retirement?
The opportunity to represent one's country on the global stage is a privilege bestowed upon a select few, a culmination of years of relentless training,sacrifice, and unwavering determination. However, the journey does not end with the closing ceremony; rather, it marks the commencement of a new chapter – a journey of transition, adaptation, and personal growth.
Athlete development encompasses far more than athletic prowess alone; it encompasses a holistic approach to personal growth, education, and well-being. Recognizing this, the IOC offers a suite of resources aimed at nurturing athletes' holisticdevelopment. From educational scholarships to career counseling services,Olympians are equipped with the tools and resources necessary to thrive both onand off the field of play. Moreover, initiatives such as the Athlete365 Career+and the Mental Health Toolkit empower athletes to prioritize their well-being and plan for a successful transition into post-retirement life.
The Winter Youth Olympic Games (YOG) Gangwon 2024 completed in February of this year. We witnessed world-class performances across the 13 days of competitionin the Republic of Korea, and we may see these rising stars in Milano Cortina2026 and beyond. Not only does the YOG provide essential competitive experience, but also an introduction to the Olympic Movement, and hopefully inspires young athletes to stay involved throughout their lives.
A key part of the YOG are the Athlete Role Models (ARMs), who have been present at every edition since the event started in 2010. These experienced athletes,carefully selected by each IF as representatives of their sport, were on the ground during the YOG, offering their support and advice to the next generation. They also helped deliver the Athlete Education Programme (AEP), a unique learning experience with activities based around six key themes:Integrity, Well-being, Career, Finance, Voice and Performance. These activitiesare a fun way to inspire athletes to consider their individual needs and develop their understanding of topics crucial to their careers.
With theARMs as a source of inspiration, and the Athlete Education Programme providingessential skills, we are helping the newest members of the Olympic Movementdevelop into athletes who can make a real, long-term impact on both sport andwider society.
Athlete representation and the IOC Athletes’ Commission
Ensuring Athletes’ view point remains at the heart of the Olympic Movement decisions,representing the future, current and recently retired Olympic Athletes. The IOCAC’s mission to represent athletes within the Olympic Movement and support them to succeed in their sporting and non-sporting careers.
As elected athlete representatives in the OlympicMovement, the IOC AC aim to lead by example and provide a guidingreference for other ACs.
In 2023, following consultations with athletes and athlete representatives, the IOC AC updated their Strategy to align with Olympic Agenda 2020+5 and to reflect the most important topics athletes are facing today.
The IOC Athletes’ Commission (AC) is composed of a maximum of 23 members - 12 members are directly elected by their fellow athletes at every Olympic Games, serving a term of eight years, and a maximum of 11 can be appointed by the IOC President,in consultation with the IOC AC Chair, to ensure a good balance between regions, genders and sports. In their role, IOC AC members ensure that athletesare represented throughout the IOC and Olympic Movement in a number of different ways.
The IOC AC Chair and 1st and 2nd Vice-Chairs are elected by the Commission members at each edition of the Olympic Games. Additionally, the Chair and 1st Vice-Chairmust also be elected members of the IOC AC.
The Chairs (or their representatives) of the Athletes’ Commissions of all five Continental Associations, the IPC, WADA and the World Olympians Association are also represented on the IOC AC as liaisons.
The liaisons each bring to the IOC AC the perspectives from the athletes in the regions or organisations they represent.
This allows the IOC AC to strengthen the engagement with the network of athlete representatives and the athlete community at large.
Since 2000, the Chair of the IOC AC has been a member of the IOC Executive Board (EB). The IOC EB is the highest decision-making body in the IOC, and by being a full member with voting rights, the IOC AC Chair is able directly bring proposals to the Board and vote on the biggest decisions facing the IOC and athletes.
Support to the network of Athletes’ Commissions
During the International Athletes’ Forum in 2019,athlete representatives recommended that the IOC increase financial support toNOC Athletes’ Commissions (ACs). As a result, since January 2020, an Olympic Solidarity grant of USD 10,000 has been available each year to all NOC ACs, touse for their activities and projects focused on supporting athletes.
In 2023, over 100 athletes’ commissions (ACs) of National Olympic Committees (NOCs) around the world applied for the USD 10,000 Olympic Solidarity Grant – now in its fourth year – which provides ACs with funds for their activities to support the athletes they represent. Case studies available here.
IOC Athletes’Commission Strategy – English/ French
How the IOC AC represents athletes - Link
Support to Athletes Commission - Link
Free learning course on athlete representation –here.
IOCAthletes’ Commission giving back to young athletes at Gangwon 2024 - Athlete365(
The Athletes’ Rights and Responsibilities Declaration (Athletes’ Declaration) is a historic athlete-driven initiative. Developed by athletes and for athletes through a worldwide consultation process; led by a 19-strong athlete representative Steering Committee.
Athletes’Commissions should work with their NOCs, including the NOC’s Executive Body, to adopt the Athletes’ Rights and Responsibilities Declaration, which was presented to and adopted by the 133rd IOC Session in Buenos Aires in October2018 on behalf of the Olympic Movement, and incorporate it into the NOC’s policies and procedures.
In a significant step towards reinforcing the rights and responsibilities ofathletes across the Olympic Movement, the Athletes’ Declaration Steering Committee is proud to release a comprehensive Athletes’ Declaration implementation guidebook. This initiative is a response to Recommendation 3 of Olympic Agenda 2020+5, which underscores the importance of adopting and gradually implementing the Athletes’ Rights and Responsibilities Declaration within all International Federations (IFs) and National Olympic Committees(NOCs) and their respective Athletes’ Commissions. Functioning as a detailed roadmap, the guidebook offers practical steps, best practices, and a self-assessment tool.
EmpoweringAthletes: Launch of a Practical Guide to Implement the Athletes' Declaration -Athlete365 (
Athlete community
One of the ways athletes can access resources to help them on and off the field ofplay is through Athlete365, the IOC’s official community for elite athletes,Olympians, Paralympians and entourage members. Through Athlete365, the IOC providesa plethora of resources, programmes, and initiatives tailored to meet thediverse needs of Olympians throughout their career trajectory. From career transition assistance to mental health support, Athlete365 serves as a beacon of guidance and empowerment for athletes at every stage of their journey.
Launchedby the IOC AC in 2018, Athlete365 currently has over 170,000 members andprovides educational material, employment support, offers from Worldwide Olympic Partners, and many other support programmes.
OlympicSolidarity remains a vital source of funding. A total ofUSD 50.75 million has been made available for preparations and Games readiness,USD 47.5 million for Games-related support, and USD 1.75 million for the IOCRefugee Olympic Team’s participation. For Paris 2024, we have seen:
- 1,260 individual Olympic Solidarity scholarships, worth USD 40 million, awarded to athletes looking to qualify for Paris 2024;
- the Olympic Refuge Foundation award 10 new Olympic Solidarity scholarships to refugee athletes preparing for Paris 2024, bringing the total number of scholarship-holders to 63.
In addition to Olympic Solidarity, the 2023 edition ofthe AirbnbAthlete Travel Grant provided 2,000 athletes with a USD 2,000 AirbnbAthlete Travel Grant to use towards Airbnb accommodation on their journeys to Paris.
Similarly, we recognised the role that education playsin athletes lives. Last year, we launched several courses through Athlete365 Learning to boost your well-being and skill set. These courses remain available to you, for free, at any time:
- Mindful Social Media
- Athletes Giving Back
- Financial Fitness with Visa
- Beyond Performance
- Youth Olympic Games: Readiness Programme For Young Athletes
- Youth Olympic Games: Readiness Programme For Athletes’ Entourage Members
In 2023 we also enjoyed empowering many athletes through additional programmes and scholarships, increasing employment opportunities forOlympians and elite athletes:
- Athlete365 Mentoring
- Olympic Broadcasting Services (OBS) Broadcast Training Programme (BTP)
- OBS Olympic Commentary Training
- Athlete365 Business Accelerator
- Olympian Artists Programme
Full programme list - PowerPointPresentation (
Nursery to give parent athletesquality time with their young children during Paris 2024 - Athlete365(
Action points
· Please reflect on the profound impact that collective efforts can have in nurturing the dreams and aspirations of athletes worldwide. From the steadfast commitment of the Olympic Movement stakeholders to the dedication of athletes themselves,the journey of Olympians is a testament to the power of resilience,perseverance, and community support.
· Is your NOC Athletes’ Commission compliant with the IOC Guidelines?
· Has your NOC adopted the Athletes’ Declaration? If not – why?
· Has your NOC used the Olympic Solidarity NOC AC Activity grant?