Articles & Publications

The IOA Educational Programme at Japan Week 2019

October 15, 2019

The IOA Educational Programme at Japan Week 2019

The International Olympic Academy participated in Japan Week 2019, setting up a stand at Syntagma Square to present its interactive educational programme for the Olympic Games.The Mayor of Athens, Mr Kostas Bakoyannis, the Ambassador of Japan to Greece, Mr Yasuhiro Shimizu, and the sailing champion Giannis Mitakis visited the IOA stand showcasing the educational programme and were informed about it by Dr Dionyssis Gangas, IOA’s Development Projects Consultant.

This program of the International Olympic Academy, was upgraded thanks to the kind sponsorship of M/MΑRITIME, and the Japanese language was added in view of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games that were in the end postponed and will take place in 2021.It is now available in 4 languages (English, French, Spanish, Japanese), and those interested have the opportunity to become familiar with the world of the Olympic Movement through original games, knowledge quizzes and interesting videos about the Olympic Games and their roots in ancient Greece.

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Articles & Publications

October 15, 2019

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Articles & Publications

October 15, 2019

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