
IOA Core Programs
Master’s Degree Programme in “Olympic Studies, Olympic Education, Organization and Management of Olympic Events”
The Department of Sports Organization and Management of the Faculty of HumanMovement and Quality of Life Sciences of the University of Peloponnese in collaborationwith the International Olympic Academy organizes and operates since the academic year 2009-2010, the Master’s Degree Programme entitled: “Olympic Studies, Olympic Education, Organizationand Management of Olympic Events”.
This Master’s Degree Programme is an innovation for the Olympic Movementinternationally. Its curriculum is based on the three pillars of the Olympic Movement:Education, Sports and Culture, which constitute the foundation of Olympism and Olympic Pedagogy.
The programme is taking place at the premises of the International Olympic Academy inAncient Olympia and the facilities of the University of Peloponnese in Sparta. During theprogramme, all participants have the opportunity to experience Olympism, living in amulticultural environment, where special bonds of friendship and mutual respect are born.
The students may also attend a modern curriculum, which is flexible and based oncurrent international developments as well as their own needs. Professors, researchers andlecturers from all over the world specialized in the Olympic Games guide them through thetransition from educational theory to practice. This is taking place while the students areinformed about the latest updates directly from various international centres, centres forOlympic Studies, the International Olympic Committee and the Olympic Museums.
The success and the uniqueness of the Master’s Degree Programme is proven bythe total number of students that amounts to 294 from 98 different countries and itscontinuoussupport by sponsors, such the Latsis Public Benefit Foundation, Olympiacos FC andM/Maritime as well as the full support from the IOC Olympic Solidarity.
- To create specialized scientists who will promote the development of OlympicEducation and Olympic Education programmes around the globe.
- To seek and implement new educational objectives in an effort to create a scientificbackground for the development and organization of sport.
- To fill the constant need for leadership in the know-how to develop OlympicEducation programmes at an international level.
- To further develop and expand dispute resolution skills as well as to educate ondemocratic dialogue and Olympic Truce, social peace, reform and social cohesiontopics.
- To encourage the dialogue between young people of different cultural backgrounds.
International Seminar on Olympic Studies for Postgraduate Students
The Seminar attracts yearly a multicultural body of MA and PhD students whowish to enrich their knowledge on Olympic and sports subjects as well as to expandtheir research on relative topics. Postgraduate students of the highest academicstandards are selected to participate in the Seminar after being nominated by theirrespective NOA/NOC and their Supervising Professor from interested universities.
The number of participants, who can be up to 45 years old, is maximum 30,while the selection is based on the students’ qualifications, academic achievements,research topic and recommendation letters. Excellent command of the Englishlanguage is a prerequisite since it is the conduct language of the Programme.
All students participating in the Seminar are required to submit and present anindependent paper on a topic relevant to Olympism.
The overall aim of the Seminar is to create a network of young scientists inthe field of Sport and Olympism who will later on become valuable members ofNOAs/NOCs/ universities and will be actively involved in the Olympic Movement.
- To help students acquire deeper understanding and knowledge of all aspectsof the Olympic Movement and its history through the lectures and throughcooperation with the Supervising Professors of the Seminar.
- To provide students with the opportunity to visit numerous archaeologicalsites and museums and learn more on the history of the Olympic Movement.
- To urge students to get to know other cultures and civilizations by sharingideas with students from other countries.
- To motivate students to cooperate with their respective NOC/NOA in order todevelop and implement a project or programme related to Olympism at aschool or university.
International Session for Young Olympic Ambassadors
Wishing to contribute to the promotion of the principles and values ofOlympism, the ΙΟΑ organizes each year at its facilities in Ancient Olympia its mostlong-lasting session, the International Session for Young Olympic Ambassadors.
Its aim is to bring together young people of different nationalities in a spirit offriendship and cooperation and encourage them to build on the knowledge theywill acquire during their stay in Olympia, as worthy ambassadors of their countries.
Next to the archaeological site, where the Olympic Games were born,promising young people of different cultures, selected by their respective NOCs/NOAs, learn to coexist and work together in peace, to share ideas and toengage in dialogue, to build strong and long-term relationships by breaking downbarriers of religion, language, sex, culture and status. The International OlympicAcademy, a true centre for research, an “active school”, is helping the Youth tounveil and disseminate the Olympic Values andprinciples back in their countries and therefore to bring Pierre de Coubertin’s visioninto life.
- To constitute a unique opportunity and a once-in-a lifetime experience for young people from all over the world to live for a short period of time in a multicultural environment, which enhances international understanding and acceptance.
- To instill into young people Olympic Values and Ideals, such as respect, friendship, solidarity, equality, which form the basis of the Olympic Movement.
- To introduce the future members of the Olympic Movement to the basics ofOlympism and the Olympic Movement.
- To further teach them about current issues related to sports, Olympic Gamesand the Olympic Movement.
- To motivate, inspire and encourage the young Olympic Ambassadors to use their experiences and knowledge gained from the Session productively by promoting the Olympic ideals and by educating others in their own countries.
International Session for NOAs and NOCs delegates
Today, the 153 established NOAs, with the support of the IOA, have managed to become the landmark of Olympic Education in their countries. Many NOAs are doing an outstanding work with the education of hundreds of people and theimplementation of Olympic Education programmes all over the country, in cooperation with different institutions at a national and international level. It is thanks to their creation that, the concept of Olympic Education has emerged in all parts of the world, a lot of research is being made at universities and many programmes have been developed worldwide.
The Session for NOAs and NOCs, covering a wide range of Olympic topics,functions as driving force in the coordination, planning and implementation ofeducational projects and initiatives and builds a strong, knowledgeable andperforming network. These annual Forums in Olympia are a point of reference, whichcreate the conditions and opportunities for the NOAs/NOCs to get inspriration and tobe provided with tools in order to develop and lead Olympic Education programmesin their countries. It serves as a platform for dialogue, enrichment of knowledge,exchange of experiences and collaboration between the NOCs and NOAs for thesharing of the best practices and for getting better insight on diverse educationalprogrammes including the IOC Olympic Values Education Programme (OVEP).
- To study and apply the educational and social principles of Olympism.
- To monitor and further advance the work of the active NOAs and widen theirnetwork.
- To cultivate and encourage the relation between the NOAs and the NOCs.
- To identify the barriers and assist the NOAs with limited action in cooperationwith their NOCs.
- To increase the number of NOAs by inviting NOCs, in cooperation with theIOC, that have not established an NOA, in order to explore the perspectivesand provide feedback.
International Session for Educators of Higher Institutes of Physical Education
The IOA organizes the biannual International Session for University Professors of Physical Education aiming to provide an international forum for them to explore Olympic issues and practices and expand their knowledge on Olympic Education. In Ancient Olympia, people of different nationalities from a wide variety of universities and Higher Institutions of Physical Education meet and work together, sharing their experiences, knowledge and ideas.
During this session, the educational aspects of Olympism and the Olympic Movement are examined as is the humanistic and cultural significance of sport and itscontribution to modern society. Practical and culturally relevant teaching methods are sought and discussed in order to promote ways of implementing in practice the Olympic Ideals among the youth of the world.
- To familiarize participants with the Olympic Movement, its history, ideals andvalues by providing an international forum for discussion and exchange ofideas and practices.
- To explore current issues related to sports, Olympic Games and the Olympic Movement.
- To motivate and encourage the participants to use their experiences andknowledge gained from the Session productively in their universities inspiring their students to embrace and implement in practice the Olympic Ideals andget actively involved with Olympic Education.
International Session for Olympic Medallists and Olympians
The International Olympic Academy in cooperation with the IOC’s AthletesCommission and the World Olympians Association (WOA), selects and educatesOlympic Medallists and Olympians who have an active social role and intend to beinvolved with Olympic Education. Organized every two years, in collaboration withthe IOC Olympic Studies Centre, the session educates athletes on Olympic Valuesand motivates themto become active and engaged Ambassadors of the Olympic Movement, RoleModels and true Olympic Messengers.
Through the Olympic Meallists and Olympians Session the athletes obtain thenecessary knowledge in order to get involved with Olympic Education and training ofschoolchildren or young athletes in their own countries while they are educated oncontemporary issues of the Olympic Movement and the concept of Dual Career.
- To turn Olympic Medallists and Olympians into Olympic Ambassadors.
- To provide the NOAs/NOCs with Role Models who will assist their mission topromote Olympic Education in their countries.
- To urge Olympic Medallists and Olympians to develop and deliver incollaboration with the NOA (or NOC) an Olympic Educational programmetargeted at public or sport clubs/ schools/universities.
International Session for Sport Journalists
The International Olympic Academy organises the International Session forSport Journalists every two years in an effort to inform and educate Journalistson current Olympic issues, providing them a unique experience in its premises inAncient Olympia. During the session the sport Journalists meet and discuss varioustopics such as the role of media in sports, contemporary Olympic issues and theorganizational aspects of the Games. In cooperation with the IOC and theInternational Sports Press Association (AIPS), the participants get updates on theIOC activities and are informed on new technology, equipment, and coveragemethods of the Games by the media.
- To further inform the Sport Journalists on the Olympic Movement, OlympicValues and Olympic Education programmes and encourage them to promotethem worldwide.
- To offer the opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences on Sport andOlympism.