
Prof. Dr. Manfred Lämmer

Prof. Dr. Manfred Lämmer
Full Name
Prof. Dr. Manfred Lämmer
Date of birth
German Sport University Cologne
Prof. Dr. Manfred Lämmer

Main areas of research:

·       Gymnastics and Athletics in Greco-Roman Antiquity

·       History and Ideology of the modern Olympic Movement

·       Sport and Politics

·       Sport and Culture

More than 250 publications, including studies on the impact of antiquity on the origin and ideological development of the modern Olympic Movement, in particular on its claim to contribute to international understanding and peace

1962-1967   Studies of sports science at the German Sport University Cologne and of Classical Philology at Cologne University.

1967            Doctorate in classical philology


Selected offices and functions:

1972-2004   Secretary General, President and Vice-President of the International Society for the History of Physical Education and Sport (ISHPES)

1975            Appointment as Full Professor and Director of the Institute for Sport History at the German Sport University Cologne

Since 1975   Editor of STADION, International Journal for the History of Sport

Since 1981   Initiator and head of the development staff of the German Sports and Olympic Museum in Cologne

1993            Initiator of the foundation of the German Olympic Institute in Berlin

Since 2007   Executive Board Member of the German Olympic Academy (DOA)

2012            Pierre de Coubertin Award of the International Society of Olympic Historians

Since 2018   President of the European Olympic Academies (EOA).