
Prof. Susan Brownell

Prof. Susan Brownell
Full Name
Prof. Susan Brownell
Date of birth
Département d'histoire Université du Missouri-St. Louis
Prof. Susan Brownell


1990 Doctorat.                         Universitéde Californie, Santa Barbara, en anthropologie culturelle

                                                Thèse sur le Mouvementolympique et son entrée dans la culture chinoise.



1994jusqu’à ce jour              Université du Missouri, St. Louis,Département d'histoire                                                                                                                                                                                             Département d'anthropologie(1994-2022) (2022- jusqu’àce jour)

                                              2023, professeure émérite de l'Université du Missouri

                                             2008 jusqu’à ce jour, professeure

                                             1998-2008, professeure agrégée

                                              1994-1998, professeure agrégée

Janvier-Juillet 2015           Université deHeidelberg (Allemagne), professeure invitée, Institut d'études chinoises et Centred'études transculturelles, financé par le Pôle                                             d'ExcellenceAsie-Europe

Automne 2014                    Université deYale, Professeureinvitée, Département   d'anthropologie et Conseil des étudesde l'Asie de l'Est.

Mai-août  2010                   Universitéde Fudan (Shanghai), professeure spécialement nommée, M.A. international en études chinoises, Centre d'étudesd'anthropologie                                             culturelle

2007-2008                         Universitédu sport de Pékin, chercheur principal Fulbright et professeureinvitée, Centred'études olympiques

Automne 2000                   Université de Yale,professeure agrégée invitée, département     d'anthropologieet Conseil des études de l'Asie de l'Est

1992-1993                          Universitéde Yale, professeureadjointe invitée, départementd'anthropologie et Conseil des études de l'Asie de l'Est



2022    Membre duComité national sur les relations entre les États-Unis et la Chine

2018    Prix du président du système de l'universitédu Missouri pour le service, la citoyenneté et le leadership

2015    Prix du chancelier pour la recherche et lacréativité, Université du Missouri-Saint-Louis.

2009   Prix de la meilleure anthologie décerné parla Société nord-américaine d'histoire du sport à Susan Brownell, rédactrice enchef de The 1904 Anthropology Days             and Olympic Games : Sport, Race andAmerican Imperialism (University of Nebraska Press, 2008).



Susan Brownell, “Politicians Should Stop Wasting Time on Doomed Olympic Boycotts,” Al Jazeera
online, February 26, 2022.
Susan Brownell, “Beijing’s Olympic Redux,” The Diplomat [online e-journal], February 1, 2022.
Susan Brownell, “The Olympics Return to Beijing: A ChinaFile Conversation,” The China File, January 28, 2022.

Niko Besnier, Susan Brownell, and Thomas F. Carter, The Anthropology of Sport: Bodies, Borders, Biopolitics (Oakland, CA: University of California Press, 2018). Spanish translation, Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI Editores (2018); French translation, Paris: Éditions de la rue d’Ulm (2020);
Japanese translation, Tokyo: Kyōwakoku (2020).
Susan Brownell, “The View from China: Accepting Olympism, Rejecting Human Rights,” in The Morality of Global Sport: From Peace to Human Rights, ed. Barbara J. Keys (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2019), 178-99.
Susan Brownell, “Sport since 1750,” in The Cambridge History of the World, Merry Wiesner-Hanks, editor-in-chief, vols. 8 and 9: Production, Connection, and Destruction, 1750-present, ed. Kenneth Pomeranz and J.R. McNeill (Cambridge University Press, 2015), 225-48.
Susan Brownell, “Why 1984 Medalist Li Ning Lit the Flame at the Beijing 2008 Olympics: The Contribution of the Los Angeles Olympics to China's Market Reforms,” International Journal of the History of Sport 32(1)(2015): 128-143.
Susan Brownell, “The Olympic Public Sphere: The London and Beijing Opening Ceremonies as Representative of Political Systems,” International Journal of the History of Sport 30(11)(2013):1315-27.
Niko Besnier and Susan Brownell, “Sport, Modernity, and the Body,” Annual Review of Anthropology 41(October 2012): 443-459.
Susan Brownell, “Human Rights and the Beijing Olympics: Imagined Global Community and the Transnational Public Sphere,” British Journal of Sociology 63(2)(2012): 306-27.
Susan Brownell, “Beijing’s Olympic Education Program: Re-Thinking Suzhi Education, Re-Imagining an International China,” China Quarterly, vol. 197(2009): 44-63.
Susan Brownell, Beijing’s Games: What the Olympics Mean to China (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2008a).
Susan Brownell, The 1904 Anthropology Days and Olympic Games: Race, Sports, and American Imperialism (Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press 2008b).
Susan Brownell, Training the Body for China: Sports in the Moral Order of the People's Republic (Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press, 1995).
William Kelly and Susan Brownell, eds., The Olympics in East Asia: Nationalism, Regionalism, and Globalism on the Center Stage of World Sports (New Haven, CT: Yale Council on East Asian Studies Monograph Series, 2011).
Susan Brownell, ed., The 1904 Anthropology Days and Olympic Games (Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 2008).
Susan Brownell, “‘Sport and Politics Don’t Mix’: China’s Relationship with the IOC during the Cold War,” in East Plays West: Essays on Sport and the Cold War, ed. Stephen Wagg and David Andrews (New York: Routledge, 2007), 261-78.
Translated from Chinese into English by Susan Brownell: Liang Lijuan, He Zhenliang and China’s Olympic Dream (Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2007).
Susan Brownell and Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom, eds., Chinese Femininities/Chinese Masculinities: A Reader (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2002).

Special Journal Issue Edited
Richard Giulianotti and Susan Brownell, eds., British Journal of Sociology Special Issue on “Olympic and World Sport: Making Transnational Society?,” June 2012, vol. 63, no. 2.


2018         Co-organized workshop of 12 international scholars on “Sport Mega-Events and InterAsian Interactions,” with Gwang Ok, Chungbuk National University                  (Korea), for InterAsian Connections Conference (Social Sciences Research Council with Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences), Hanoi and Ninh Binh,                  Vietnam, December 3-7.
2011         Olympic Chair Henri de Baillet-Latour and Jacques Rogge, University of Ghent and Catholic University of Louvain, March 26 to April 2, 2011. Two keynotes and                  four invited lectures delivered to the public, faculty, and students during the week

2008         “Western-centrism in Olympic Studies and its Consequences in the 2008 Beijing Olympics,” 18th Earle F. Zeigler Lecture – Keynote Address, “Pathways:                   Critiques and Discourses in Olympic Research, 9th International Symposium for Olympic Research of the International Olympic Studies Centre of the University                  of Western Ontario, Beijing, China, August 7.
2007         International Chair in Olympism 2007, Olympic Studies Centre, Autonomous University of Barcelona. Inaugural Lecture of the CEO-UAB 2007/08 academic                  year, organized in collaboration with the General Secretary of Sport of the Generalitat of Catalunya. November 19-22.
2007/8     “From Athens to Beijing: West meets East in the Olympic Games.” A series of three
                  academic conferences at University of Missouri-St. Louis (USA), Beijing Sport University (China), University of the Peloponnese-Corinth and International                  Olympic Academy (Greee). Funding from Costamare Shipping Company, S.A


Chinoismandarin, parlé et écrit - couramment

Allemand -maîtrise

Latin -connaissance de la lecture