Articles & Publications

With less than a year to the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, the Canadian Olympic School Program brings the excitement of the Olympic Movement to classrooms all around Canada. The programme offers over 100 free online education resources aimed at sparking discussions about the Olympic values, telling stories, and encouraging Canadians to adopt a healthier lifestyle.
The 2018–2019 academic year proved to be successful with over 32,000 resources downloaded and over 127,000 subscriptions to the monthly newsletter!This year, students will be able to join Team Canada athletes on a “journey” to Japan with the information gathered on Tokyo! These resources will give students an insight into every aspect of the Olympic Games, giving them the opportunity to design the ‘look’ of the Games, broadcast various sporting events and encourage environmental sustainability initiatives.Team Canada Champion Chats is a recently launched program designed to connect Team Canada Olympians and Paralympians with classrooms in the country, from big cities to the most remote communities.
The Canadian Olympic Committee has partnered with champions to host eight live chats throughout the year 2020: four in English and four in French. Canadian athletes will have the opportunity to share with students their stories of goal-setting and teamwork, while highlighting various experiences and challenges in their pursuit of Olympic success. Olympic Day and Pride Parades are celebrated throughout the year across Canada to build strong connections between local communities, the Canadian Olympic Movement and Team Canada. In 2019, over 27,000 Canadians participated in eleven Olympic Day celebrations in four provinces.To promote safe and easier social inclusion, Team Canada members participated in six Pride Parades across Canada as well as in the opening of a Pride House during the Lima Pan-American Games.
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