Articles & Publications

Sri Lanka

December 16, 2020
NOA Report

Sri Lanka

The National Olympic Committee of Sri Lanka has acknowledged the harmful effects of environmental pollution and climate change in the South Asian region. The National Olympic Committee has taken initiative to reduce this ecological footprint by using sports and Olympic values as means to raise environmental awareness, particularly by hosting the 16th National Olympic Academy of Sri Lanka under the theme of “Olympic Values as a Sustainable Tool for Environmental Action”.In this Session, internationally recognised environmentalists and sports educators presented an overview of the research work about the current issues in sports including environment pollution and environmental sustainability in sport, as well as the proposed plans and implementations of new prevention strategies adopted by sport organizations around the world.

A number of issues related to environment and sport in South Asia were also discussed, and the ways in which sustainable development goals could be achieved through Olympic values.The seminar emphasised environmental ethics relevant to efficient and eco-friendly sporting events. By exchanging information and gaining new perspectives, an “action plan” was made to raise public awareness and support the protection of our environment in South Asia by propagating Olympic values.

The National Olympic Academy of Sri Lanka is grateful for the participation of university students from South Asian countries as a new generation of innovators was built who can use sports as a platform to tackle environmental issues and achieve environmental sustainability.

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NOA Report

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Articles & Publications

December 16, 2020
NOA Report

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