Articles & Publications


December 19, 2020
NOA Report


The National Olympic Academy of Togo organized the annual Session, which included speeches, discussions and workshops, at the National Institute of Youth and Sports in Lomé. It was attended by approximately 100 people who were academics, representatives of the Sports Federations and officials of the Ministry of Sports. During the session which had the following theme: “Sports and Sports Activities in Togo”, after discussions, the participants outlined the ways and means to improve sports in Togo.

The second major activity of the Academy was the 7th Youth Olympic Camp which took place from 22 to 28 December in the town of Sokode in central Togo. One hundred and twenty children aged 10–14 years with different backgrounds explored the Olympic values for six days, through educational and social activities.A visit to the local museum and the village of Kparatao offered children the opportunity to discover local culture and customs.

At the same time, mini sports competitions were held, which gave great joy to the children.The 3rd School Olympism Festival "FESCOL 2019 - Pierre de Coubertin Award" was held on Friday, January 31, 2020 at the JCA Stadium in a suburb of Lomé, and was attended by a large crowd. In a day full of sports and cultural competitions, seven elementary schools and five colleges and high schools in Lomé and its suburbs were divided into two categories with 228 people in total.The competitions for the youngest children were: kids’ athletics, ball games, poetry, ballet, painting and for colleges: basketball, 4x4 volleyball for boys and girls, ball games, poetry, dance, drawing.

A total of 17 cups were awarded and the winners this year were the Mission Tove Elementary School and the Agoenyive Center High School.

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Articles & Publications

December 19, 2020
NOA Report

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Articles & Publications

December 19, 2020
NOA Report

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