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As part of the program to celebrate the 125th anniversary of the foundation of the International Olympic Committee, Ukraine hosted a delegation of the International Olympic Committee, including the head of the Olympic Studies Centre Ms Maria Bogner and the Manager on Foreign Affairs and Academic Programmes Ms Nuria Puig.The guests took part in the XII International Conference "Youth and the Olympic Movement", visited the Olympic House of the National Olympic Committee, got acquainted with the scientific, educational and popularizing activities in the field of the Olympic Movement of the International Olympic Studies and Education Centre at the National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport. The members of the delegation appraised the high level of research work in the field of Olympic sports and Olympic education.In September 2019, a unique event took place in Ukraine, and specifically at the National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sports. The Educational and Scientific Olympic Institute was inaugurated, which embraced the leading experts in the field of Olympic sports and Olympic education. The structure of the Institute includes the Theory and History Department, the Teaching and Scientific Laboratory, the International Olympic Studies and Education Centre, the Museum of Olympic Fame of the National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport, the Faculty of Proficiency Improvement, and the International Scientific and Theoretical Journal "Science in Olympic Sport".The study at the Master’s course in the specialty “Olympic sport and education” is done in three particular blocks: the Theory and Methodology of athletic preparation in Olympic sports; Olympic sport and the system of Olympic education; Exercise psychology.
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