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The XXXVII Session of the Argentine Olympic Academy was held between the 16th and 20th September 2019 and was attended by 50 youngsters representing the different provinces of the country. They shared lectures, debates, sport activities very much like the sessions of the International Olympic Academy in Ancient Olympia.Both the Education Commission and the AOA worked over 2019 on an Olympic Education programme which was implemented with the help of an educational platform. The subjects addressed included the Lima 2019 Pan-American Games. All 2,300 participants were able to access the programme from a mobile telephone APP. Olympic Solidarity has been instrumental in the implementation of this programme, and has been supported by the National Sport Agency, the National Sport Federations, provincial governments, the Anti-Doping National Commission, the Drug Addiction Prevention Secretariat and the Argentine Olympic Committee. This programme was taken as a model by the International Olympic Committee and was presented at Ancient Olympia in May 2019. The high impact and low cost union of sport +art + culture + technology +education was distinguished as an “innovative” project. Due to the impact of this programme, Olympic Solidarity supported an Olympism Seminar which was called “Managing the legacy of BA2018”, because those over two thousand professors that started working in 2017 with education in values through sport, feature an intangible legacy of the 2018 Youth Olympic Games. Over 20 speakers of renowned national and international prestige presented at the Seminar, discussing subjects such as the values in sport, in different environments like schools, high performance, recreation, sport psychology, management and good governance.

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