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The National Olympic Academy of Cameroon undertook a reorganization of its management in October 2019. Dr Tado Oumarou took over as Deputy Director- General and welcomed the President and the IOC delegation in Cameroon on 14th and 15th December 2019. President Bach and his entourage visited the headquarters of the African Centre for Olympic Studies (CAEO) and the Olympic Academy of Cameroon. The close relation between the Academy and CAEO is an important advantage for the use of the tools designed by the Center for Education. This is the reason why the Academy, through the Deputy Director-General, has been integrated into the CAEO team, which is responsible for the development of educational programs on Olympic values and is aligned with the contractual structure of education (primary, secondary and higher), but also with unofficial education. The aim is to design global programs aimed at leveraging Olympic values through educational tools such as sport, culture, environmental education and citizenship, always in line with local conditions. The Olympic Academy of Cameroon plans to continue promoting and disseminating the Olympic values within the primary, secondary and university educational institutions, through the approximately 20 Olympic clubs operating in the country, which are continuators in the dissemination of the Olympic values.

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