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The Croatian Olympic Academy, in cooperation with the Croatian Sports Museum, participated in the project of the Croatian Olympic Committee "Synergy of Sports Culture, Olympic Values and Dual Career of Athletes", the funding for which was granted from the Olympic Solidarity support programme. The project consisted of three workshops intended for students who are elite athletes; they were held in theCroatian Sports Museum.The programme of the Olympism and Olympic Values workshops for elementary and secondary school students, which started in March 2019, has included over 2,000 students so far. As schools showed a great interest in this programme, a need arose for new trainers. This is why a seminar was organized and held on the implementation of the Olympic Workshops programme for new trainers. The Croatian School Sports Association held a workshop for the students of the Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, who are also elite athletes, on 17 December2019. The worksheets developed by the IOC were translated into Croatian and printed for the workshop and also as a guide for the dual career of athletes.Due to the covid-19 situation, this year all the usual activities celebrating Olympic Day were cancelled. Instead, a virtual Olympic Day celebration was organized and took place via Facebook page. The most important events held were the Olympic Day Run and an online art competition for children with Olympic and sport motives.The virtual race took place from 23 May to 2 June with 273 participants from all parts of Croatia and even from other countries (Bosnia, Austria, Germany and Switzerland). Several Olympians were also included and took part.

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