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The 31st Session of the Olympic Academy of Cyprus was held on 7 December 2019 with the main topic: "Olympism - Truce - Education - Peace" and with mainspeaker Dr Konstantinos Filis.The celebration of the Olympic Day took place on 22 September 2019 at the "Olympic House" in Nicosia. The main event of the day was the 800m and 5 km races in four different categories. At the same time, 20 sports federations presented their sport to the public.The Olympic Committee of Cyprus organized special days at schools dedicated to promoting Olympism and Sport. It also organized the 2nd Annual General Assembly of the European Olympic Academies with more than 50 participants from 20 European countries.The Olympic Committee of Cyprus has prepared a series of publications in 2019 with the aim of promoting Olympism, especially to young people, in close cooperation with the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Cyprus.The Olympic Training Guide, a nine-chapter book, was prepared in the fall of 2019 for primary and secondary school teachers for the purpose of supplementing the curriculum with Olympic training tools. The Guide was distributed, through the Ministry, to hundreds of teachers at national level.The brochure "Know the 33 Olympic Games of Tokyo 2020" was published in the same period and was written for primary school children aged 6-10. Just like the previous guide, the brochure was distributed to schools across the country.An eight-page brochure entitled "Olympic Explorations" was completed in the spring of 2019 and is aimed at children up to 10 years old. The version included recreational games, all with an Olympic theme.The brochure entitled "Children's rights in sport", prepared by UNICEF in Japan, has been translated into Greek and has been distributed, always through the Ministry, to teachers across the island.

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