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IOA Premises: The renovation of the IOA campus


IOA Premises: The renovation of the IOA campus

Despite the adverse conditions created by the pandemic and the strict measures taken by the State to limit its spread, the renovation works of the HOC premises in Ancient Olympia, with the unconditional concession of the use of the premises being granted to the International Olympic Academy for the next fifteen years, are continuing rapidly. The contractor, the construction company TEAM, to which the IOC has assigned the project, while complying with the COVID-19 prevention measures that have been imposed, has completed a large part of the renovation and it is now certain that the works will be completed within the stipulated time. The IOA will celebrate its 60th anniversary in a modern and technologically integrated functional environment, which will meet all the requirements for hosting high-level educational and sports events, keeping intact the historic authenticity of the site and the exterior appearance of all buildings. The design of the accommodation areas in a flexible form of capacity will allow the accommodation of all types of guests. The new triple, double and single rooms, combined with the sixteen new comfortable suites, will increase the capacity of the facilities from 243 beds today, to 272-289 beds, depending on the needs for their use!This increase of beds, created after the abolition of the dormitories, will allow the IOA to hold more than one event at the same time, an arrangement that was proven necessary in recent years after the rapid increase of educational events since 2009.The renovation of the premises, in addition to them new configuration of the rooms, extends to the sports facilities, which will now be able to accommodate in addition to track, tennis, basketball, volleyball, swimming and football, that already existed, also beach-volleyball, handball and archery, as well as a special area for table tennis, thus satisfying all the requirements of the guests staying there. The dining area is radically changed along with the service system of guests, with the creation of two rooms for this purpose. The main dining room will have a capacity of approximately 200 persons, with a multi-meal self-service system as well as a separate area for serving a small number of officials. The conference centre is being modernised with the renovation of the auditorium, the creation of more classrooms and the renovated library with new online integration systems with libraries of large educational institutions.At the same time, a new system of internal and external security is also being installed, together with new water supply and irrigation installations, new forms of indoor air conditioning and the implementation of all the obligations imposed by the regulations for the prevention of spread of COVID-19.The decision of the IOC to invest a large amount for the renovation of the facilities in Ancient Olympia, was guided by the important work undertaken and performed by the IOA in the field of Olympic Education. It shows the absolute satisfaction of the leadership of the IOC and personally of its President Dr Thomas Bach on the progress that has been made in recent years in this field by the IOA, with the desire to make the Academy, not only in theory but also in practice, the sole pillar of international dissemination of Olympic Values.

“The renovation of the premises, in addition to the new configuration of the rooms, extends to the sports facilities.”

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