Articles & Publications
Olympic Truce as an international institution
Olympic Truce as an international institution

“Sport is in a unique position to put the spirit of the Olympic Truce into practice. Sport is the only area of human existence that has achieved universal law. Regardless of where in the world we practise sport, the rules are the same and apply to everyone. They are based on our shared values. Sport is always about building bridges; it is never about erecting walls. In Olympic sport, all people are equal, regardless of their race, gender, social status, cultural background, faith or belief.
This fundamental principle of non-discrimination allows sport to promote peace and understanding among all people.”“The Olympic values (excellence, friendship, respect) are the prerequisite not only for moving our societies forward, but also for restraining or defusing conflicts or disputes which, in addition to their other tragic consequences, destabilise entire countries or regions.
Conflicts that are waged for years. And because of them, we are running the danger of losing generations of young men and women who are imbued with hatred and intolerance; young men and women who learn the art of war and fight in war zones from theirearly years; young men and women who learn to handle a weapon better than they use a ball, and they believe that the things that divide people are greater than the things that unite them.In contrast, we strongly believe that the things that unite us are greater than the things that divide us!”
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