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Postgraduate Students experience Olympism online through the IOA platform


Postgraduate Students experience Olympism online through the IOA platform

Unlike its previous 26 versions, the 27th International Seminar on Olympic Studies for Post-graduate Students was not held this year in the IOA premises in ancient Olympia but was for the first time in the IOA’s history conducted online, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This time, the duration of the Seminar had to be significantly reduced, covering in just one week the four thematic cycles of the Seminar.From September 21st to September 27th, 2020, 17 students from 16 different countries, nominated by their respective NOC or NOA attended lessons, presented their Seminar papers, actively participated in working group discussions and joined especially designed online extracurricular activities.A special platform was created by the IOA in order to hold the live transmission of the lectures, students’ presentations, group discussions and extracurricular activities. Through this platform, participants gained access to teaching material, suggested bibliography and all other necessary information and documents regarding the conduction of the Seminar. The IOA President, Mr Isidoros Kouvelos, welcomed the participants during the Opening Ceremony together with the IOA Honorary Dean, Prof. Dr Konstantinos Georgiadis, who supervised the works of the Seminar.“The Olympic Games and the Olympic Movement: Past, Present and Future - An Analysis from the Historical, Philosophical and Social Perspectives”was the main topic of the Seminar while “Mega-Sport Events and Human Rights” was the special topic of this year’s Seminar whose works seven eminent Professors were invited to assist.Prof. Dr Evangelos Albanidis (GRE) introduced the students to the Ancient Olympic Games and their Philosophy by talking on “The ancient Olympic Games” and “The Olympic Games in antiquity apart from those in Olympia: The cases of the Olympic Games in Macedonia and Antioch” while Prof. Dr Patrick Clastres (FRA) debated in his two lectures whether "Pierre de Coubertin (1863-1937) was a political thinker" and "The history of Olympism and Cold War".In his effort to make the students acquainted with the modern Olympic Movement and the socio-political aspects of the modern Olympic Games, Prof. Dr Konstantinos Georgiadis (GRE) explicitly presented “The Revival of the Olympic Games: The ‘Zappas Olympics’, the idea of reviving the Olympic Games in Great Britain” as well as “The Revival of the Olympic Games: Pierre de Coubertin, his ideas and the founding congress of the International Olympic Committee. The first International Olympic Games”. Prof. Dr Yannis Theodorakis (GRE) explained thoroughly “The role of the Olympic Movement in social inclusion” and discussed on “Teaching awareness of ethical governance in Sports” while Prof. Dr Bianca Gama Pena (BRA) presented “New Technological approaches to Olympic Studies”.The ethical and philosophical issues of Olympism as well as the athletes’ rights in the modern Olympic Movement were covered by Prof. Dr Jim Parry (GBR) who presented, “The Concept of Sport in Olympism” as well as “Doping and the Values of Sport” and Prof. Dr Irena Martinkova (CZE) who lectured on “Inclusion and equal rights - unisex sports” and “Instrumentality and Sport Values”.In the framework of our effort to make students get an idea of how the programme of the Seminar develops while being in Olympia, certain extracurricular activities were organized. With the helpful guidance and support of the extracurricular activities’ coordinator, Ms Yarden Har Lev, and the co-cordinator, Mr Dimitris Regalos, students participated in a social meeting aiming at networking and creating interaction through social games and discussion on Olympic topics. Moreover, during the cultural meeting they shared aspects of their countries’ culture and traditions. An Interactive Olympic Quiz, organized by the coordinator, helped them gain further knowledge on the Olympic Movement and its values in a very enjoyable way. Finally, the students actively participated and created the “Olympism and Human Rights Video” focusing on this year’s special topic.Last but not least, we all had the opportunity to have a virtual tour of the Museum of the History of the Olympic Games of Antiquity offered by Mr Konstantinos V. Antonopoulos, archaeologist at the Ephorate of Antiquities of Ilia in Ancient Olympia.During the Closing Ceremony, the students presented the conclusions they drew after discussing daily during the working groups on issues arising from the lessons.Visiting Olympia and its archaeological site, living and studying in the IOA premises, meeting in person eminent professors and making true lifelong friendships with students from various nationalities cannot be experienced through an online version of the Seminar. Nonetheless, the spirit of Olympism which was prevalent throughout the programme together with our love for sports and education brought students, coordinators, professors and staff closer and therefore looking forward to meeting each other in person next year in the birthplace of Olympism.

“A special platform was created by the IOA in order to hold the live transmission of the lectures, students’ presentations, group discussions and extracurricular activities.”

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