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Shaping the future of European Olympic Academies-2nd Annual Conference and General Assembly of the European Olympic Academies


Shaping the future of European Olympic Academies-2nd Annual Conference and General Assembly of the European Olympic Academies

Following the inauguration of the Association of European Olympic Academies in Ljubljana in 2018, the 2nd Annual Conference “Shaping the Future ofOlympism” and General Assembly of the EOA was held in Cyprus from 13th to 16th November 2019, at the headquarters of the NOC and NOA of Cyprus, the Olympic House. The President of the Cyprus Olympic Committee and the Cyprus Olympic Academy, Mr Dinos Michaelides and his team hosted 21 National Olympic Academies as well as personalities from significant organizations within the Olympic Movement such as the International Olympic Committee, the International Olympic Academy, the European Olympic Committees, the International Committee for the Mediterranean Games and the International Society of Olympic Historians and provided a high level organization underpinned by professional expertise and warm hospitality.The Conference consisted of the official ceremony, lectures, followed by fruitful discussions among the representatives as well as short presentationson the part of the National Olympic Academies. The opening ceremony was framed by viewpoints and statements on the significance of the Association of European Olympic Academies from significant people of the Olympic Family, who have contributed with their work and devotion, each one of them from different positions in the Olympic Movement. Mr Michealides, during his welcome speech, underlined that: “The basic reason for the existence of the EOA is the strengthening of friendship, communication and relationship between the National Olympic Academies of Europe, by sharing experiences, knowledge and ideas, and also facing common struggles that arise from the dispute and violation of the ideology and philosophy of Olympism”. The IOC Member for Greece, Mr Spyros Capralos representing the European Olympic Committees stressed the EOA’s role by stating that: “You are an essential cornerstone of the edifice that is the Olympic Movement of Europe and I thus invite you to continue your important role in our mission that is the spreading of Olympic Values and Ideals so as to provide our young with a better tomorrow”. The President of the EOA, Prof. Manfred Laemmer, welcomed all the delegates and guests, indicating that: “The presence of the representatives of the IOC, the EOC, the IOA and the ISOH shows that we have strong partners at our side”. He also offered a symbolic gift to the President of the Cyprus Olympic Committee, which was an original piece of the Berlin Wall, referring, in this way, to the tragic situation of division the island of Cyprus has been facing, expressing his hope to obtain unity again.The President of the International Olympic Academy, Mr Isidoros Kouvelos, highlighted the EOA’s contribution in the continent and the importanceof joining efforts in this endeavor of educating the youth and the societies with the Olympic values. He also underlined the new role of the NOAs that has to be adopted in the new era the IOA is descending, which will commence not only with the complete renovation of the premises in Ancient Olympia, by this historic investment on the part of the IOC, but mainly, through the development of a new structure of its educational activities with a close collaboration with the IOC Olympic Studies Centre and the IOC Olympic Foundation for Culture and Heritage.“Through the restructuring of the International Olympic Academy, which is presently underway, we will set in motion the adoption of joint educationalprogrammes, which shall reinforce the presence of National Academies not only in their place of action but in the whole Olympic map. It is a vision that we owe to our children! [...] This will be the beginning of an innovative frame, on the threshold of the new era of the IOA, and we do hope that you, the NOAs, the true ambassadors of Olympic Education, will be our pillars in this journey”.Throughout the lectures, the delegates had an opportunity to be informed and discuss on interesting topics that were explored constructively and provided food for thought. Mr Dinos Foinikarides, journalist, examined the potentialities that modern media impart to sports, and in particular the Olympic Games, and he also alluded to the challenges and the ethical issues that occur on these terms. Dr Maria Bulatova, Vice-President of the EOA, made a holistic approach of the notion of the Olympic Education, its historical background and its significance for the athletes and the youth, and presented the role of the EOA in terms of promoting this concept in Europe as well as ways of its implementation in the Olympic Movement, in general.An overall presentation on the function of the IOC Olympic Studies Centre which has been the main source for Olympic knowledge was made by theHead of the Centre, Mrs Maria Bogner. Mrs Bogner explained how the OSC is considered to be the bridge between the academic world and the Olympic Movement and emphasized the services and programmes that have been developed, in order to provide a vast collection of official and up-to-date resources to professionals and academics interested in Olympism and encourage research and close dialogue globally. The OSC can actually be regarded as a valuable tool for the NOAs’ research and development of programmes in their efforts to make a step forward and produce new initiatives not only “within the boundaries” of their respective NOA but also inside the context of their regional European network they belong to and act collectively in stability and cohesion.The Annual General Assembly commenced with a thorough presentation on the part of the International Olympic Academy, by its Development Projects Consultant, Prof. Dionyssis Gangas, who introduced the steps and the plans of actions with regard to the construction works of the premises in Ancient Olympia throughout the current year with the official inauguration taking place in June 2021.The President of the EOA, Prof. Manfred Laemmer proceeded to a variety of announcements in terms of decisions and actions taken during the Executive Board meetings in the year 2019 for the fruitful operation of the European Association as well as the great efforts being made in order to embrace in its core as many European Academies as possible, and strengthen, in this manner, the mission of the organization in the continent. The members of the EB put forward a series of administrative and organizational issues that were set for open dialogue and approval among the delegates of the 19 NOA members, who were eligible to vote. Among these subjects, someconcerned the management of the four commission that have been developed (Media and Communication Commission, Development and Cooperation Commission, Olympic Education Commission and Olympic Heritage Commission) composed of representatives from European Olympic Academies, who will focus on targeted actions, in cooperation with the EB members, in order to implement the EOA initiatives and projects. Important documents which had been prepared were also presented such as the EB rules of procedures, signifying the systematic work that is being processed and the guidelines, values and principles for the nomination of the Good Governance officer, which will be appointed by the next General Assembly, following the proposals made on the part of the Academies. In general, all the subjects of the agenda discussed were put to vote and approved by the members of the NOAs.Before the outbreak of the pandemic, the 3rd Annual Conference and General Assembly for 2020 has originally been planned to be held in Sochi, Russia, and the International Olympic Academy to host its 4th edition in its renovated premises in Ancient Olympia in 2021.The establishment of the European Olympic Academies creates definitely a new perceptive in the context of Europe and the International Olympic Academy has the confidence that this growing institution will be its anchor in the new string of innovations patterned within the new era of the IOA,with united efforts and consistency, surmounting the challenges of the times. New incentives will be crucial for urging each National Olympic Academyto provide their utmost means within their role and objectives and reflect this new reality worldwide.

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