Articles & Publications

The educational vision of the IOA

June 9, 2020

The educational vision of the IOA

With the support of the IOC and President Bach, the Academy now has a renewed profile. The IOC has fully funded the renovation of all premises, conference rooms, hospitality and sports facilities and all other infrastructure, marking a new beginning for the IOA within the Olympic Movement and strengthening the relationship between the two institutions. Moreover, their inter-institutional relations have been strengthened, with new educational programmes and strategic planning concerning the IOA's future actions prepared in cooperation with the IOC.

“Our aim is to strengthen
the process for the
establishment of NOAs as
well as inter-institutional
relations between NOAs –

The IOA plays a predominant role in the study of Olympism and the dissemination of Olympic education, with the support of the Hellenic Olympic Committee and its administrations. For the past decade it has implemented its work with the full support of Olympic Solidarity and the IOC.

The IOA functions as a centre for the running of applied Olympic educational programmes since all those trained at the IOA have become leaders in rapidly evolving educational activities at their respective National Olympic Academies and National Olympic Committees. The National Olympic Academies develop and head Olympic education programmes, which they then adapt to the local societal requirements of their respective countries. Today, the NOAs are implementing, at a globallevel, educational programmes that focus on Olympic values, enhancing the dialogue in modern societies. on topical social issues. Throughout the year, the NOAs, in cooperation with the IOC, the IOA and the NOCs, promote Olympism with the principles and values of the Olympic. Movement worldwide via the Olympic education

“The IOA supports and
promotes the Olympic
Movement through its
activities and ideals, and
contributes to the Olympic
legacy by promoting
its positive aspects and

Our aim is to strengthen the process for the establishment of NOAs as well as inter-institutional relations between NOAs – IOA – IOC. At the same time, our aim is not to create a homogenous educational process, but rather to stimulate dialogue on principles, values and human rights through sport, in a context of cultural diversity and difference. The completion of the facilities’ renovation has signalled the beginning of a new era, and the IOA
in cooperation with the IOC has set as objectives through its educational activities:

- to promote the objectives of Agenda 2020+5 of the IOC and UNESCO, which includes sustainability, credibility, gender equality, good governance and youth;

- to integrate the IOC's Olympic Values Education Programme (OVEP) into its activities;

- to convey the message to everyone in the Olympic Family and wider society through its educational programmes, that in 2024 the IOC will be an institution with a zero environmental footprint, thereby promoting environmentally friendly organisations and

- to disseminate the message of solidarity: The IOC Refugee Team is raising global awareness of the magnitude of this crisis. The IOA's expectation is that every member of the Olympic Movement will experience Olympism and its spirit in Ancient Olympia. This experience is different from participating in the Olympic Games. Since today it is the leading institution for Olympic education worldwide, the IOA’s vision is to become a University of Olympism.

It is the responsibility and obligation of the IOA to support and promote Olympism, the Olympic Movement and the work of the IOC throughout the year. We are always working towards this goal together with the IOC Olympic Education Commission, the IOC Culture and Olympic Heritage Commission and the IOC Olympic Studies Centre. The visionary Pierre de Coubertin wished to link Olympia to the modern Olympic Movement, in the knowledge it is ideas that are the basis on which all movements are built and progress.

Today, the Olympic Movement has grown to resemble a towering tree and for this reason its root – ideas must be well-grounded. The IOA supports and promotes the Olympic Movement through its activities and ideals, and contributes to the Olympic legacy by promoting its positive aspects and benefits.The Session for Young Olympic Ambassadors generates enthusiasm and contributes to the creation of a new think-tank of young people already active in sport, who are encouraged to join the Olympic Movement and become actively involved in it.

The Master’s Degree Programme in Olympic Studies is intended to produce “executives”, scientifically familiar with Olympic education and also possessing administrative skills. The advantages for the Olympic Movement are manifold. Graduates may work for the National Olympic Academies and the Education Committees of the National Olympic Committees, promoting Olympism at a global level. The Olympic Solidarity Fellows will continue to support the work of Olympic Solidarity in their own countries and will actively contribute to the scientific foundation of Olympism.

As experts in Olympic marketing and Olympic management, they will also aid the development of NOCs and NOAs. The International Seminar on Olympic Studies
for Postgraduate Students trains young scientists who will promote the Olympic Movement in the academic community. It creates an academic base of young people who, once they have experienced Olympism themselves, will become actively involved in the educational, social and cultural aspects of the Olympic Movement.

The IOA is preparing to welcome fresh generations to experience Olympism and to educate them on the Olympic Movement. These young people, whowill further transmit Olympism and Olympic education, provide a promising future for the realisation of its humanitarian objectives. –

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Articles & Publications

June 9, 2020

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Articles & Publications

June 9, 2020

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